About Me

Hey! I’m Stephen Ruppe (pronounced, “Stefan Roop“), and I’m on an exciting journey to master the art of home music production. From figuring out the best recording techniques to experimenting with songwriting. This site is where I will share my real-world experiences, challenges, and discoveries about making music in the home studio. This goes both for the wins and the learning curves! Whether you’re interested in recording basics, instrument tutorials, or music gear reviews I’m sure you’ll find that we share some common musical ground… Be sure to visit my YouTube page: YouTube.com/@StephenRuppe

I enjoy playing a little guitar every-now-and-then, messing around with virtual instruments, and recording all of it on the computer (or hard disk).

I also dabble in photography a bit, so 99.9% of the photography you see on this website will be of my own taking (the good, and the not so good…)… On occasion, you might see a photo, or video, shared from an external source, but the appropriate annotations will be added as necessary…

Musical Background

The first musical instrument I started playing was the piano with songs such as, “Heart-N-Soul,” and “Chopsticks,” taught to me by my Father.  I’m fairly certain I was still in elementary school when I started.  From there (instead of staying with the piano, which would have probably been a good idea) I took up the trumpet in junior high. 

I swapped between first and second chair fairly regularly.  But, like the piano, I didn’t stick with it and instead opted for the guitar in high school.  I think because it was deemed, “Kooler” at the time…

Playing the trumpet did, however, teach me how to read music, which allowed me to pick up the guitar and a couple of books and teach myself.  I did take a few guitar lessons eventually.  I took 4x 30 minute lessons – 1x per week for one month, that drastically improved my overall understanding of the guitar and taught me how to finger pick.  All-in-all, the guitar still tends to be my go-to instrument for musical inspiration.

Recording Experience

My audio recording experiences started out around the age of 19-20 with a TASCAM Porta 03 cassette recorder, which I bought along with a Fender Squire Stratocaster (neither of which do I still have )with a co-signed loan.  I was in-love with both, but thought the Porta 03 recorder was just “magical.”

From the Porta 03, I graduated to an ADAT system, and managed to record a few songs on it and even take it to a couple of live events to record some friends’ shows. 

Now, like most I use a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation).  I started out with Pro Tools 8LE and have moved over to Logic Pro (10X) for now (long story).  I don’t really have preference.  I just wound up learning more about Logic Pro and have stayed with ever since.  Other software that I use inside Logic are: EZ Drummer, Native Instruments, Output, Etc. …

I also like to use standalone recorders such as the TASCAM DP-24 and the BOSS Dr-880 Drum Machine.  Sometimes these are just easier to turn on and off and they can make you focus on the actual audio you’re laying down initially, instead of thinking about how you are going to “doctor” it up later on the computer (even though audio recorded on these types of units still can be transferred to the computer)…

Website / Blog Purpose for Being

This site will eventually contain all of the answers to the questions that I’ve had over the years on the subject of playing guitar, recording audio / midi / etc. in the home studio.  If I’ve “googled it,” you probably have too.  I’ve spent some time writing down these questions and will answer them here, providing actual examples of the results in practice. 

This site will serve as a “living document” of how my guitar playing and audio production journey is going.  I’m sure we’ve asked a lot of the same questions and have tried out some of the same equipment.  Whatever I’ve learned, you’ll have access to that same knowledge.

Guitar, and Other Gear Reviews

If you’re like me, you go straight to YouTube for reviews on just about anything; however, occasionally I’ll prefer written content for the “particulars.”  Knowing this might apply to others as well, each review that I post will “first” be about something I own myself… “Secondly,” will have a combination of a video and the written content (or blog post).

My Music

Most of my video and blog posts will contain some sort of original guitar piece (or other type of music) that I’ll use to demonstrate a guitar tip, the sound of a plugin, or some other interesting aspect of guitar. It will also eventually be hosted at various places across the internet (updates to follow)…

& If you really wanna know…

To begin with, I should point out that the better part of my professional life has been spent in the military (Army 22+ years).  I’ve met a lot of different people that have added to my overall music / recording (life) knowledge. 

My military specialty training lies in the areas of Satellite Communications and CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, & Nuclear) – Two areas that require, at least, a minimum technical expertise skill level.  Having this background has actually helped with my trouble shouting abilities in the home studio when it comes to figuring out software and physical setup issues…

I’m no longer in the Army, but I still work for the U. S. Government as a “federal civilian.”  At least, now when I have to go on business related travel, it’s nowhere near as long as before, and I’m only carrying “normal” bags of clothes and a laptop.  So, for the most part… I now have a basic “9-5 type life.”

If you happen to come across a piece of content that you liked in some way, whether it taught you something new, or inspired you, or you were just entertained in some way, please let me know in a comment on the blog, or via YouTube (if that piece of content is located there) – Much obliged if you do!…

Well, I guess this will have to do for now.  I’ll update this page when it becomes necessary to do so…

Later!  Cheers!  Bye For Now! …. Etc. …

Until Next Time!

Would-Be Multi-Instrumentalist
Home Recording Enthusiast
…….. & Stuff