Well, I decided to buy another guitar…
However, this time, the decision to buy wasn’t based on whether, or not, I should add another guitar to my would-be collection, but rather out of a need to fulfill. You see, I had traveled home to see some family and to be there for my brother’s birthday, Christmas, and New Years 2025. While there, I thought it would be nice to have a guitar that I could keep at my parent’s house in the event that I would like to play a little something. Not to mention the fact that anyone else could play it as well, if they so desired.
Long story short, I decided to buy an Epiphone PRO-1 acoustic guitar for roughly $169ish. I visited my local Guitar Center and looked at a few different economical guitars (guitars under $200) and finally decided on the PRO-1. I had also looked at the Fender FA 135ce and Ibanez PN12e, which are fine guitars I’m sure (for the money), but I just liked the Epiphone better at the time of purchase. You can read my short review of the PRO-1 > HERE.
I didn’t really think of buying a case at that time because I figured I’d just leave it on a guitar stand sitting in the corner (so I did buy a stand – $20 – still less than $200 altogether). But after returning home with the guitar and stand, I realized that maybe I should buy an actual case for it. This way it can be stored in a variety of locations with low chances of getting damaged, and its just basically easier from a management perspective (for my parents).
Hardshell Versus Gigbag, that is the Question?
So now I’ve decided that I’m going to buy a case; however, I wasn’t quite sure which type of case I was going to go with. On the hand, I’ve always been “Pro Hardshell.” Afterall, they provide the greatest level of protection. So, if it can be afforded, go with the hardshell. At least, that’s been my thinking on the matter.
And on the other hand, Gigbags usually cost a lot less (usually). Also, in some cases (as in the case of the Boulevard II – wink – wink) they seem to have more storage capabilities. With the hardshell, you normally have that one storage compartment under the neck of the guitar, but with Gigbags, some of them tend to have multiple storage pockets.
One other thing to note, is that with a Gigbag (or softshell case), it can be slid around most surfaces without scratching it too much, which would be ideal since the guitar would be kept at my parent’s house for the most part. They also can be fit into smaller spaces in some instances. Again, making your living, or storage area, easier to manage.
Enter The Road Runner Boulevard II Acoustic Guitar Case
To be perfectly honest, one of the reasons I wound up with the Boulevard II, RR4TAG was because my local Guitar Center (I guess Guitar Center’s in general) seemed to carry that particular brand more than any other; however, I soon fell in love with the case. I mean, the quilt-like design, very adequate padding, the pockets, the straps, overall quality, etc. …
I realize that this article is primarily about the decision to buy a Gigbag over buying a hardshell case; however, Road Runner does make a very nice hardshell if you’re interested – The RRBTWA. It’s located under their “Boulevard” menu section at the bottom of the page. I’ve never actually been in the presence of one, but the specs read very well. The pictures make it look good as well.
Boulevard II Acoustic Guitar Case PROs & CONs
To sum up the PROs and the CONs…
- PRO – Reasonable priced.
- PRO – Very adequate padding.
- PRO – Pockets galore. Even a small zipper pocket in one of the shoulder straps…
- PRO – Style… Nice quilt design. Always liked the star too…
- PRO – Straps… Shoulder straps and a regular carrying handle.
- CON – Potential to overload the case with too many items (damage guitar?)
- CON – it’s a Gigbag …
Road Runner Makes Cases for Other Types of Instruments
Ya know, Road Runner doesn’t just make cases for guitars, but do so for keyboards, cymbal cases, etc. My Dad has a keyboard case from these guys and it seems to be quite the case – The 61-Key Keyboard case – RR2K61. Same as the Boulevard as far as the quality and design, and storage area. I said that to say they are worth checking out for a variety of your instrument case needs.
In Conclusion
To sum it up, if you’re in need of purchasing an acoustic guitar case, and are thinking of going the Gigbag route, the Boulevard II from Road Runner Cases is certainly a great option to consider. The Pro’s far outweigh the Con’s in this case. Even if you’re able to offer up the funds for a nice hardshell case, you have to determine you overall needs. In my case, I think the Gigbag will work out better since its easier for my folks to maneuver it around their house when / if necessary, while still offering a high level of protection.
Until Next Time!